Cultural Drift

Ruth Porat


"It is not enough to state what is your North Star - you need to back it up with programs and policies that reinforce those messages." In her role as CFO of Google, Ruth Porat plays has an important role to play in creating company culture--and some strong opinions about how to instill an authentic one.


“It is not enough to state what is your North Star – you need to back it up with programs and policies that reinforce those messages.” In her role as CFO of Google, Ruth Porat plays has an important role to play in creating company culture–and some strong opinions about how to instill an authentic one.

Executives love to talk about the kind of culture they’re trying to build. But for many of them, it’s just words. Ruth Porat talks with Thuy Vu about putting your money where your mouth is, and building authentic company culture.


So how do you go about aligning the values of a company and the culture you're trying to instill and really moving the whole company forward in that way especially at a big organization it can be sometimes difficult to move everybody in that one direction. What are some of the good ways to do that and some perhaps some of the bad ways that you've seen where it's kind of backfired?

Ruth Porat

Yeah I think that's a really important question in particular as you continue to grow a company because so much of culture is the experiences that one has it is not enough to state what is your North Star you need to back it up with programs and policies that reinforce those messages. So yes, of course it starts with tone from the top. What is it that we as leaders are doing, saying, and how do we live our lives? But authenticity comes from them putting those resources and programs and policy and rigor around it.

So as an example, in the area of the role of women in in leadership and how do we ensure that we're nurturing the right kind of environment to have women rise up through the ranks. It can't just be tone from the top. It's got to include everything like gender pay equity, family leave programs the right kinds of networking groups, and resources around that. What are you doing in perf and performance at performance process and pay? Do we ensure that we go back into it and with data and analytics ensure that bias doesn't creep in and so all of these kinds of steps are absolutely critical it is the programs and policies that reinforce the tone from the top.