Country Above Party

Kim Breier


Kim's personal mentor puts us in the time machine, back to the foundation of America. She takes some very applicable lessons from the Founding Fathers - advice our country could use today.


Kim’s personal mentor puts us in the time machine, back to the foundation of America. She takes some very applicable lessons from the Founding Fathers – advice our country could use today.


If you could choose a personal mentor, anyone at all, either from history or someone who's current, who would it be and why?

Kim Breier

It's a great question for me. I would go back in time. I would love to sit down with either George Washington or Thomas Jefferson. And the reason is, as I read about history, the amount that they understood about human nature and about the checks and balances that were necessary in our system, about the risks to our system, about the risk of excessive partisanship, which is something I think we are living now. I would really like to ask them about that, what their strategies would be as you go into public service for coping with sort of that environment and making sure that we're all able to rise above that.


Do you have any idea what they might say?

Kim Breier

I think that they would say that you have to put country ahead of party.