Leadership Style

Characteristics Of A Good Leader

Kevin Washington


There are many, but which are the most important? Kevin's leadership at the highest levels of the YMCA, and a career spent helping people, uniquely qualifies him to answer this question.


There are many, but which are the most important? Kevin’s leadership at the highest levels of the YMCA, and a career spent helping people, uniquely qualifies him to answer this question.


You mentioned so many characteristics of a good leader, everything from transparency, to honesty, to trust, being a good listener, etc. Out of all of those competencies, which two would you say are the most critical to your leadership success and why?

Kevin Washington

I would say integrity, because I want to make sure when I do things, that I'm doing it with a level of integrity that no one can question the reasons behind why I make the decisions that I make. That's a big one for me, particularly in a non-profit space. We have an accountability to the community and we are a trusted entity. People support us with donations. I want people to think that everything that we do and the decisions that we make, we're making them with a high degree of integrity, that we're looking at that consistently. And then overall, listening, empathy is probably the other one that comes to the top of my head. We have to be empathetic in the work that we do, we have to be, and listening is one of those as well. So that's probably three but that's where I'm at.