Change Changes You

Kara Goldin


Kara Goldin transformed the beverage industry, but how has her journey transformed her? A look back at the similarities and differences in starting a business and living a rich life. More importantly, she knows change doesn’t stop, and we have to guide it positively for the next generation.


Kara Goldin transformed the beverage industry, but how has her journey transformed her? A look back at the similarities and differences in starting a business and living a rich life. More importantly, she knows change doesn’t stop, and we have to guide it positively for the next generation.

Kara and Thuy talk about how this amazing journey of creating and growing Hint has transformed Kara. you’re really in for an adventure when you start following your dreams.


So you're leading change in not only the beverage industry but also on clean water issues. How has leading change, changed you?

Kara Goldin

I think that the key thing that I've realized is that it's really hard and there's so many, there's so many pieces to the puzzle, but then at times I step back and think it's not too dissimilar to what I experienced in starting Hint, but I also feel like as a consumer and as a leader of a disruptive company that for me is something that you know, I know how to do this and I know how to go in and I know how to ask, "Well why is that? and "What can we do here?" "If we can't do that, is there something else that we can do?" "How do we actually make this happen?"

And maybe that's what's needed in Washington. Maybe somebody who can just keep going forward and you know, I have no plans to run for any government. I've said it very you know I'm very happy in San Francisco with Hint and trying to be a mom to my four teenagers and and do this. But this is something that again I look back on on you know my own childhood and having much cleaner water than we do today and I think it's just sad. It's really sad, and we have to stop and really put some effort towards that change. So if we can get people I mean even if it's not money towards these efforts just voices and you know there's definitely people who have grown companies from nothing to something that actually have a voice and people listen to them. So I want their voice. I want their voice to say this is really important. We have to think about the next generation. We have to think about all of our kids and our families and really create this change.