Leading Change Passion

Career Lattice

Gail McGovern


What would you do if you had a time machine? Gail has no regrets about her "career lattice," but she's got some ideas for her life in an alternate timeline.


What would you do if you had a time machine? Gail has no regrets about her “career lattice,” but she’s got some ideas for her life in an alternate timeline.


If you could do your life over, what would you change?

Gail McGovern

You know, I really had a good life. I mean, I really have had a good life. I've had strife, I'm a two-time breast cancer survivor, but you know what? That made me stronger. And after I got through all that, everything looked brighter, tastes sweeter, smelled better. I mean, it's like every day is like, wow, I got this day. This is amazing thing.


Every day is a gift.

Gail McGovern

It really is. And I've had other challenges in my life. My husband and I wanted to raise a family and I couldn't get pregnant. And we adopted a baby who is amazing. We couldn't have made a baby like this kid. She's a Fulbright scholar. She works at MIT.



Gail McGovern

Amazing. She's amazing. I keep telling her, I want to be like you when I grow up. So my life has been so rich and I really made some mistakes, but I've learned from my mistakes. I think the one thing, if I could go into a time machine, I really think I could have been a more cheesy inspirational leader that would have gotten people really riled up almost cult-like in the for-profit world. Because it wasn't really done very much. It was business. And I think if I could have taken some of my current management style and applied it in the for-profit world, I think it would have been more fun in a lot of ways. Like I said, I've learned from my mistakes. My career was not a ladder. It was more like a lattice. I did a lot of different jobs at the same level, just because I love learning new things. I don't have many regrets and I probably could list some, but you know, my life turned out the way it did. I learned from the regrets, I guess is what I'm saying.