Captured: Saddam Hussein

Stan McChrystal


Among General Stan McChrystal’s great achievements was orchestrating the capture of Saddam Hussein. But he’s not one to take too much credit. He talks about the pride he felt watching his team complete this successful mission.


Among General Stan McChrystal’s great achievements was orchestrating the capture of Saddam Hussein. But he’s not one to take too much credit. He talks about the pride he felt watching his team complete this successful mission.


Keith Krach

What would you consider your proudest moment in your career?

Stan McChrystal

It's, I think it's probably the same as yours, Keith. There's, there are a number of moments when the organization you're a part of does something or does a lot of things really well. And nobody may look back to you and go, "Hey, great job, but we owe it all to you." Because they don't owe it all to you but you know you had some piece in that. And suddenly this thing is cranking. I'm in my company now.

Keith Krach

Like catching Saddam Hussein. You were the commander right? You caught Hussein Saddam.

Stan McChrystal

Yeah, but I didn't, the team did. Now, would they have caught him without me? Probably. Did I help them in some way? Did I contribute to that? Did I create an environment? Did I help people grow to be able to do that? Yeah, all in some cases which is impossible to measure. But you take huge pride in that.