Leadership Style Leading Change Passion Risk & Resilience


Kevin Washington


What's in Kevin Washington's leadership playbook? Build a diverse, strong team, listen well, don't be afraid to fail, and take on the BHAGs!


What’s in Kevin Washington’s leadership playbook? Build a diverse, strong team, listen well, don’t be afraid to fail, and take on the BHAGs!


For yourself, do you have a personal playbook for leadership success?

Kevin Washington

I got to admit, I was reading through your website and I saw the five things that identified as the playbook, so to speak. My personal playbook, there's a couple of things that I think standout not much different than what you've identified. I believe you have to have a strong team, a diverse strong team in today's needs to be successful. Secondarily, you have to be a good listener. Your ability to listen to others, particularly if you got a really diverse team, they hear those opportunities, and what people's perspectives are, makes all decisions that you can make better. I think you have to be bold. I used to talk about BHAG, big hairy audacious goals, you want to have a big hairy audacious goal that you want to achieve and use it as a North Star. You may not get there, but you're really talking about what's possible, what's possible if you work at high levels, you're contributing from our perspective what's possible. Last thing I'll say is, be fearless. Don't be afraid to take on challenges, because you know what, I learned. I saw that in one of you, but I've learned more how to fail than I've ever had of any successes. I've learned a lot from failure. So you can't be afraid to fail. Those are one of the things that I would say is part of my playbook.