Leadership Style Passion Shared Playbook

Believing in What it is That You’re Selling


So what’s the best way to sell an idea, a product, or a vision successfully? For Rami Rahim, it starts with believing in what it is that you’re selling. In this clip, Rami explains how this approach has become an effective strategy for his company.


So what’s the best way to sell an idea, a product, or a vision successfully? For Rami Rahim, it starts with believing in what it is that you’re selling. In this clip, Rami explains how this approach has become an effective strategy for his company.


What are some top tips you can share with us on how to sell successfully?

Rami Rahim

Well, first and foremost, the key question here is “to sell successfully”. For me, in order to sell, you, yourself have to believe, because people will see right through you if you don’t actually believe it. If you view it as just reading through a playbook that somebody has written for you, honestly, your results are not going to be as high or as great as you would like. If it’s something you truly have conviction in, then I think you will surprise yourself at how effective you can be at selling.
And that’s what I always look to do at first. I mean, I know when my team works with me and preparing for any big stage appearance, the most important thing that I need to do is not to memorize the lines, but to build the conviction myself, that this is something that’s truly game-changing, that’s going to help our customers, that’s going to transform our company. If you do that, then I think you’ll be delighted, in fact, surprised at how effective a job you will do in selling.