Decision Making Team Success

Being Mindful of Groupthink

Chris Toth


Not everyone is born with the ability to make great decisions, but leaders must learn how to cultivate those skills. So how does Chris go about making important decisions? One of the first things he does is he listens to his team.


Not everyone is born with the ability to make great decisions, but leaders must learn how to cultivate those skills. So how does Chris go about making important decisions? One of the first things he does is he listens to his team.


Reflecting on all the decisions that you have made us a leader, I know you’ve made many, what’s helped you to be the most successful through the decision-making process?

Chris Toth

Adopting the approach of listening to the team and being extremely mindful of groupthink. You know, you can engage a team in order to develop the right decision-making framework for the future or what you’re going to do in a specific instance. But if you only seek the facts to corroborate your predisposition, you’re not going to really make great decisions on behalf of the organization.
You have to pressurize the conversation, that if everyone’s going one direction, how do you create a diverse perspective in the conversation? Do you, yourself do it? Do you ask someone who is clearly arguing one way to give a different point of view? I think that that is so important in good decision making.
And then I think the second at which you show it’s okay, when something wasn’t correct the first time, to then pivot and make a change, you actually bring your entire organization along to feel it’s okay to make a mistake here and there, to ultimately then become stronger.