Greater Purpose Leading Change Values & Purpose

Authenticity Trumps Everything

Antonio Neri


What’s the most important thing the next generation of transformational leaders can do to set themselves up for success? In this clip, Antonio Neri offers a simple, but crucial piece of advice – be authentic.


What’s the most important thing the next generation of transformational leaders can do to set themselves up for success? In this clip, Antonio Neri offers a simple, but crucial piece of advice – be authentic.


What is the top piece of advice you would give any emerging leader who wants to make a difference in our world?

Antonio Neri

Yeah, be yourself and be authentic. Authenticity trumps everything. You can’t read the script. And there are moments for that when you get in front of the street... And by the way, when we get to that point, you are basically writing your own thoughts, and you want to be structured for that, because it is the context and environment you’re in. But when you talk to people trying to convince them about something or enroll them in a course, or give them a mission with a set of objectives, you’ve got to be who you are and authentic. That’s, I think, 80% of the battle, honestly.
And as I said earlier, people will immediately size you on whether or not you’re trying to game them or trying to do whatever. But generally, people will follow authentic leaders. That’s a fact. And be yourself. In the end, you have to have a set of core beliefs and values by which you operate. And if you don’t believe in something, you have to speak up. In the end, I never do something I don’t believe or like, I’m not in, versus trying to go along. And those who follow the principle will stand out. Eventually, who will stand out, people will recognize those leaders.