
Dan Springer


At DocuSign, Dan Springer spends a lot of time ensuring that each employee is being maximized, aligning individual growth with fulfillment of the company mission.


At DocuSign, Dan Springer spends a lot of time ensuring that each employee is being maximized, aligning individual growth with fulfillment of the company mission.

At DocuSign, Dan Springer spends a lot of time ensuring that each employee is being maximized, aligning individual growth with fulfillment of the company mission.


At DocuSign, what is your model for determining who is successful and how do you define that?

Dan Springer

So I think the key is to be aggressive and demanding but flexible in defining it its about doing thoughtful goal setting so what I think each manager needs to do including me for my team is say im really going to spend the time to understand the success this individual or this department is gonna provide to the company as it aligns with our company goals and for us to go back each year as I have set those four goals and now the question is what do I really want form you a lot of times people look for kinda a short cut and thats sometimes what people say oh were going to have a simple metric thats gonna cut across all groups and I say no I want different things from different people so if you can spend the time sitting with an individual really sort of spending time saying what is that we want to achieve and how are we going to have a specific success metric for you which might be totally different than other people and thats why I think the whole comparison you know across is less insightful way to build the business but thats how I try to think about it.


So it's very customized it's very personalized?

Dan Springer



You treat the employee like the customer.

Dan Springer

Yeah, yeah, exactly and hopefully they'll treat the customer that way that's the goal.