Communication Leadership Style Team Success

Adjusting Your Communication Styles While Remaining Authentic

Trier Bryant


Trier Bryant is a firm believer that you can show off different versions of yourself while still being authentic. As she explains here, being able to adjust her communication style helps optimize her team’s performance.


Trier Bryant is a firm believer that you can show off different versions of yourself while still being authentic. As she explains here, being able to adjust her communication style helps optimize her team’s performance.


You touched on something earlier, that I want to expand on, which is, you said, people have said, “Trier, you got to show up to different teams differently, your communication style changes,” and you said, “I have to.” How do you adapt your style to different teams, depending on their needs? And how do you do it in a way that’s still authentic, even though you’re different with every team depending on their communication style or their social style?

Trier Bryant

Yeah. So, one of the things is…Also, Thuy, I’m going to tie in something else to this. I’m going to tie… and because I have this conversation with a lot of non-white professionals about code switching. And there’s this dialogue of like, whoa, code switching is bad, code switching is good. But I go back to influence and communication, I’m going to communicate, and show up in a way where I have influence, and I need to get done what I need to get done.
I think changing my communication or how I show up is not that I’m not being authentic, it’s just that I have many sides of myself, right? The example that I give is like, I will go out with friends at a brunch, and I may curse and use other words, but I’m not going to curse in front of my mom, right? Like I show up differently, right? My mom, right? And I may curse and use other words, but I’m not going to curse in front of my mom, right? Like, I show up differently, right? Is that bad? No, because we know it’s a time and place of what’s appropriate.
So, I have the opportunity that with this team, this version of myself gets, this authentic version of myself, and with another team it’s different. When I go back to the example of the team that I got to, of five or six different teams that I managed, one of them was a very, it was a younger team, and they dealt with a much younger audience. So, we had group texts with memes flying, and there was jokes, and it was when they wanted to do team building, it was like an escape room, and it was like, things are way fun.
I had another team where folks were a little bit more mature, older, and they were just like, “Trier, if you ever, right, try to take us.” And I was like, right, it didn’t make sense, it’s not what they wanted, and that’s okay. We went to a winery. So again, I’m like, but that’s knowing your team and being invested in what is going to resonate with them, or what matters to them. And so, I think that you can show up authentically, and allow others to have different versions of themselves.
I get the question sometimes, like, “Trier, what is your day to day?” And I go, “It depends on what my team needs, I’m here for my team, what my team tells me to do, I do.” And everyone, and all my teams are different, and I show up differently, we engage differently, and that’s okay. But ultimately, I show up, and all my teams are different, and I show up differently, we engage differently, and that’s okay. But ultimately, I show up in a way that they need, and that is going to optimize their performance, their team dynamic.