
Adapt and Overcome

Todd Sears


How has Todd used the pandemic to work on his own resilience and adaptability? Interestingly, he harnessed the pent-up energy of difficult times to launch more business initiatives than ever before.


How has Todd used the pandemic to work on his own resilience and adaptability? Interestingly, he harnessed the pent-up energy of difficult times to launch more business initiatives than ever before.


For you personally, what have you done consciously this past year to improve your resilience or your adaptability to change?

Todd Sears

That's a good question. I think part of it is just self-care and making sure that I continue to meditate and where I can, go to the gym. I'm very excited that gyms are sort of somewhat reopening here in New York, it depends on the week, etc., that really does matter. I think taking opportunities to connect with people in a human interactive in-person space where possible, we have a pod of friends that we've been sort of podded with since March, and so creating opportunities for down time. I think the biggest thing for me on the resilience front is just the ability to do the work that we do. I get so jazzed up that we have expanded our work, that we've got more companies that want to do more, that in a pandemic, we not only expanded, we actually did more, we launched more research going into this year, which is our 10th anniversary, we are doing a global ambition statement for the gay community that we're excited to launch, we're kicking off an intersectional ally research which has never been done focusing on communities of color and the LGBTQ leaders and what we both need from our allies. We're really sort of hitting on all cylinders, and to me, that opportunity to do what I love as part of my role and my job and my company every day, that's the best thing for my resilience, it's really a gift, it's a blessing, it's something that I'm very proud I've been able to build, and that's what keeps me going.