
A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats

Bonnie Anderson


How do you build a network that serves you both personally and professionally? Bonnie's network runs deep, from the early days of her career to current-day acquisitions and changes. Check out her tested approach to making networks matter.


How do you build a network that serves you both personally and professionally? Bonnie’s network runs deep, from the early days of her career to current-day acquisitions and changes. Check out her tested approach to making networks matter.


How have networks served you in terms of personally and professionally?

Bonnie Anderson

You know, it's instrumental. I think that from a career standpoint, networks can be networks of mentors and advisors. I certainly have a lot of those during my career. Even to this day, I stay in touch with some of our original founders that were on our board and that exited years ago. They're very well connected into the world of innovation, because they invest in funds, a lot of those companies, and I get together and continue those relationships. And then as I mentioned to you, we've done a number of acquisitions in the last couple of years. You don't sit back and not have relationships. In fact, every single one of the acquisitions we've done, I already had a relationship with the CEO of those companies. And so--


Just from networking.

Bonnie Anderson

Absolutely. I think just knowing what's going on, knowing people, learning from people. Over the last year, and some of this probably was attributed to the COVID impact, there has been an incredible value put on the diagnostic sector. Finally, we're getting a little bit of the credit for the value we do deliver in decision-making in healthcare. I've often looked at the portfolio of companies that are in this space, and the rising tides have lifted all boats. That's why it's so important as leading a company in a space to not worry so much about who out there is competing with you and trying to look at other companies in that sort of competitive view, but realizing that the more success stories we have as a group, the more opportunity there will be for more success stories. As the companies as a whole deliver more and more value, there will be more value for each of us to attain. I'm really a believer in that. So networks can provide all sorts of sources of value.