Diversity & Inclusion Team Success Values & Purpose

“A Diverse Company is a Better Company”

Antonio Neri


Antonio Neri is a strong proponent of diversity and inclusion at his HPE. Hear why he believes that nurturing different perspectives from a diverse group of workers can create amazing things.


Antonio Neri is a strong proponent of diversity and inclusion at his HPE. Hear why he believes that nurturing different perspectives from a diverse group of workers can create amazing things.


What does building a diverse team mean to you? And why is this so important?

Antonio Neri

Well, you know, and we should put aside the last couple of years’ events with social injustice, hatred, and all the challenges we have lived, in addition to navigating through a global pandemic. But I’m a true believer that a diverse company is a better company. I always worked in diverse environments, it brings different opinions, different perspectives, also different personalities.
And if you’re able to channel all that diversity in a constructive way, which is a challenge, by the way, I think you could do amazing things. And the fact of the matter is that because of the split and spin off, we have to kind of re-baseline everything, because HP at the high was 300,000 employees. And it was fairly diverse, but as the company separated and spun up multiple entities. We have to recreate the baseline and build from.
And we have made good progress, which we are disclosing in our progress report, but we have a tremendous amount of work to be done. And it starts with a tone at the top, that’s fundamental. And then hold people accountable and measuring people on that with appropriate incentives. It’s not a mathematical exercise, it’s a question of leadership and beliefs that you have to push the organization. If you want to hit the metric, you can hit the metric, but that’s not the point. It’s about being a key component of the culture, the fabric of who you are. And that’s a journey, right? It doesn’t happen overnight.