
Nikole Collins-Puri


If you're under pressure to perform, mistakes can be hard to admit. But you've got to stop defending yourself if you're really going to learn. Own the mistakes. Open up. Learn. And make room to grow.


If you’re under pressure to perform, mistakes can be hard to admit. But you’ve got to stop defending yourself if you’re really going to learn. Own the mistakes. Open up. Learn. And make room to grow.


Tell me about one big mistake you made early on as a new leader of an organization. And how did you deal with it?

Nikole Collins-Puri

I think one of the biggest mistakes that I probably made -- not probably -- I made.


Expose your vulnerability.

Nikole Collins-Puri

You know, there were times where I would get so anxious about wanting to be right. And I actually, in this moment was not right. I was doing something actually around a budget and I could have sworn that I had all of my information and numbers all correct. And I wasn't right. And it was it was a pretty significant mistake. I actually was at AT&T at that point of my career. And what I feel like my mistake was, was that I was too busy trying to defend why it happened versus acknowledge that I made a mistake and taking ownership of that mistake so that I could have created more space to listen and learn from the mistake.

And so for me, it was almost like, you know, I'm a Taurus and, you know, if you subscribe to that stuff. I am bull-headed -- I am very much so. And so, you know, I just could not listen. I could not hear what my supervisors were trying to tell me because I was so in the mode of trying to defend why, even though I was wrong, why my wrong was still kind of right.


Actually, that's a great lesson to pass on. I have been guilty of that mistake many times. Finally, I learned. Thank goodness.