Our Girls Are Not the Problem

Nikole Collins-Puri


When you think of an important leader in a field you're interested in, do you see someone like you? The girls in Nikole Collins-Puri's Techbridge Girls program often don't see people like themselves as leaders in tech. Nikole's challenge is to change that misperception -- both among her girls and in society at large.


When you think of an important leader in a field you’re interested in, do you see someone like you? The girls in Nikole Collins-Puri’s Techbridge Girls program often don’t see people like themselves as leaders in tech. Nikole’s challenge is to change that misperception — both among her girls and in society at large.


Regarding tech in particular, is the challenge just getting girls and young women to believe they can excel in tech? Or are there other barriers that come up later -- in life, in school, that need to be addressed to increase their participation?

Nikole Collins-Puri

As I said before, Thuy, you know, our girls are not the problem. They are willing. They're eager-beaver. They're ready to do this work. It is what we have created around STEM education and stem industry workforce. It's the perceptions. It's the culture. It's the access. It's the opportunities. It's the unsaid rules and policies that are created around the industry that continue to perpetuate our girls' ability to persist. I mean, we always talk about with our girls, you know, when they first come into our program, they're like, well, "Who is a scientist?" Or, "who is an engineer?" "Who do you think?" And of course, they think of Albert Einstein and Mark Zuckerberg, right?

You know, if that's who they think, then they are saying, very early, "I don't see myself in this." Right? And so how can we change the perception, change the narrative -- open up opportunities and make sure that our girls have good access to STEM education that speaks to their interests, their values, their cultures, their environments in which they grow up in. And so that is what is going to be what we need to address more intentionally and specifically to get more girls not only through the pipeline, but thriving and leading once they are there.