Get Out of Your Own Way

Nikole Collins-Puri


Nikole Collins-Puri admits to the girls in the Techbridge Girls program that one of her failings has often been getting in her own way. She admits that sometimes, "the worst enemy is ourselves." Internalizing what the external world is trying to tell us can lead to self-doubt and self questioning and prevent us from pursuing opportunities that could be part of the journey.


Nikole Collins-Puri admits to the girls in the Techbridge Girls program that one of her failings has often been getting in her own way. She admits that sometimes, “the worst enemy is ourselves.” Internalizing what the external world is trying to tell us can lead to self-doubt and self questioning and prevent us from pursuing opportunities that could be part of the journey.


So what are some of the fears, missteps and doubts that you share with them?

Nikole Collins-Puri

Well, one of the, fears and or missteps and the challenges that I sometimes share or share very often is about, getting in my own way. You know, as a black woman, I have enough barriers and challenges to navigate and live through. But, you know, sometimes we put our own selves in our own way. Self-doubt, lack of confidence, not being convicted of what you know, is right. To pursue, to stand up for what you know is important, to elevate your voice, even though it can feel lonely. And having those doubts and making those doubts prevent you from action or doing what you know you need to do to pursue your own aspirations, your own dreams, your own successes.

And so I talk a lot about that. Sometimes the worst enemy is ourselves. Because we either, you know, internalize what the external world is trying to tell us. And then we create this inner voice of self-doubt and self questioning. Or we just assume that if I can't do it perfectly, then I won't do it at all. And those things can prevent us from opportunities, missed opportunities that could be part of their journey.