Ovarian Lottery

Dan Springer


Dan Springer got a bit of a head-start in life, winning what he calls the "Ovarian Lottery" by having the best mom in the world. To this day, when he travels to Seattle on business, he doesn't stay in hotels - he stays with his mother.


Dan Springer got a bit of a head-start in life, winning what he calls the “Ovarian Lottery” by having the best mom in the world. To this day, when he travels to Seattle on business, he doesn’t stay in hotels – he stays with his mother.

Dan Springer got a bit of a head-start in life, winning what he calls the “Ovarian Lottery” by having the best mom in the world. To this day, when he travels to Seattle on business, he doesn’t stay in hotels – he stays with his mother.


You yourself were raised by a single mom. Have you shared these life lessons that you have learned as a single parents with her and what was her reaction?

Dan Springer

Oh, all the time. I mean, I am I like to say I won the ovarian lottery I have the best mom in the world and she's amazing and she lives in Seattle and that's actually it's interesting the headquarters for DocuSign used to be Seattle it's where the company was founded the head Court had been moved here about 7 years ago so I'm in Seattle a lot and I grew up two-and-a-half miles from the DocuSign office so I stay at home I don't stay in hotels when I go to Seattle I stay in my old room I trophies are up on the wall it's great


what did you get trophies for?

Dan Springer

Oh, mostly soccer and lacrosse sports stuff but I you know I love it I love getting that chance to reconnect with my mom all the time when I'm back it's the same thing today you know thirty years later when I come home I come home and I go back to the same room at breakfast every morning together and I it's kind of just like you know being a kid again so it was special to have that support and not everyone not only the work she did for me but just that the home that she sort of built it's emotionally really a strength a source of strength and there have been a couple times in my lives you know you have hard things happen or difficult things and knowing you have that kind of support and that foundation hugely powerful to give you the strength to go back out you know when you get knocked down and you sometimes need to kind of lick your wounds and and have that support and then get back out there and by the way my mom is one that would say you know she can absolutely say oh honey you know I'm so sorry and then now honey get back out there.


Get out there and lead.

Dan Springer
