Family Man

Dan Springer


After his sabbatical as a full-time father, Dan Springer kicked off his role as CEO at DocuSign with a statement, implementing 6 months of maternity and paternity leave company-wide.


After his sabbatical as a full-time father, Dan Springer kicked off his role as CEO at DocuSign with a statement, implementing 6 months of maternity and paternity leave company-wide.

After his sabbatical as a full-time father, Dan Springer kicked off his role as CEO at DocuSign with a statement, implementing 6 months of maternity and paternity leave company-wide.


Dan Springer

One of the first things I did at DocuSign we were looking at our benefits and I realized we didn't have great benefits for parental leave so we created a maternity paternity both program with six months leave.


That's generous.

Dan Springer

Yeah, very large in other parts of the world it's not that uncommon but in the US it's quit uncommon yeah and I get I'm gonna just one of my favorite things I get notes from people saying you know I'm home I'm getting this chance to you know bond with my child and it makes you feel great but importantly hey it's also good for business we get people that say I am now even more loyal to this company and I'm gonna stay here I'm gonna build a family and a career at the same time at DocuSign and I love that so um you know I think I just became much more aware of other people and you know I didn't have that experience where I had a lot of support you know I always had a lot of financial support and family support so I didn't really know what that experience would be like then becoming you know in that mode of a single dad I got a whole new view.


That's incredible and I would imagine that it's a great recruiting tool to right there aren't that many big companies out there that offer a six month parental leave policy.

Dan Springer

You know, it does it comes up in a lot of things about you after a glass door at the beginning of our conversation and that kind of construct about benefits you know that are really targeted at what seems important to employees versus some of the benefits that maybe seem sexy like we do dry cleaning for you or whatever like that's great but it's not the thing that I think really makes it powerful for people around building their family and building their career together.