Tim Draper’s List of Great Entrepreneurs

Tim Draper


Tim Draper, third-generation venture capitalist and founder of Draper University, has mentored countless entrepreneurs over the course of his career. But who are HIS mentors? A laundry list of high-octane folks who have transformed the world we live in today, and a few that might surprise you...


Tim Draper, third-generation venture capitalist and founder of Draper University, has mentored countless entrepreneurs over the course of his career. But who are HIS mentors? A laundry list of high-octane folks who have transformed the world we live in today, and a few that might surprise you…

Tim talks with Thuy about his heroes and some of the people he would love to have as mentors. Essentially, they’re the people who invented (and are inventing) the modern world.


Tim Draper

When you say mentors, if you're looking for people I'm just going to give you all the greatest entrepreneurs in the world. Because I am going to say, I would've liked to have known Steve Jobs better, and I love Elon musk I would've loved Edison, And I would've loved Henry Ford, and all the people who are trying new things everybody thought it was crazy, and now everybody lives this incredible life because of those people. And I think that those are the mentors that I really look up to and have a lot of respect for. And then maybe the political mentors would probably be George Washington, Gorbachev and Deng Xiaoping. Because what the three of them did, was they gave away personal political power, for their country to thrive. And it worked in all three cases. For a relatively short time with Russia. For a very long time with China and and until now with the US. So I would say politically those three. The ones who were willing to give up their own power, in order for their countries to thrive.