Optimism Runs in the Family

Tim Draper


Tim Draper, founder of Draper University, has been described as “pathologically optimistic.” He is firm in his belief that pessimists (or, “realists”) will never accomplish anything with a negative attitude.


Tim Draper, founder of Draper University, has been described as “pathologically optimistic.” He is firm in his belief that pessimists (or, “realists”) will never accomplish anything with a negative attitude.

“Pathological optimist,” Tim Draper, talks with Thuy about how “realists” will claim that something won’t work, while optimists are busy inventing solutions. Which would you rather be?


Lots of people who know you describe you as optimistic. And in fact your former business partner John Fisher describes you as pathologically optimistic.

Tim Draper

He has a great way with words. Where does that trait come from? Well you know my dad's very optimistic, so I think that has always helped. And my mom, never said a bad word about anyone. And I thought you know I think that's a nice way to be. If you can get through without really saying a bad word about anyone. Now I have to make tough calls. I have to turn down a lot of entrepreneurial investments and I have to give reasons for it. So I guess those are bad words but it's not like bad where I wouldn't say them to their face.

So if you're a pessimist, or a realist they call themselves realists, If you're a pessimist or a realist, you really are never going to accomplish anything You will find problems with things that other people will then accomplish great things fixing. But you will never accomplish anything if you are a pessimist. If you are an optimist, you might fail but if you succeed you will have made big impact on the world and that I think is just better. And so I think I've come to the logical conclusion that it's better to be an optimist then a pessimist.