What it Takes to Create Heroes

Tim Draper


Tim Draper, founder of Draper University, talks about what it takes to be a great leader. The heroes of the world aren’t afraid to be embarrassed, to start with a crazy idea and inspire people to get on board.


Tim Draper, founder of Draper University, talks about what it takes to be a great leader. The heroes of the world aren’t afraid to be embarrassed, to start with a crazy idea and inspire people to get on board.

Tim Draper’s heroes aren’t afraid to be embarrassed. Tim, who’s been known to occasionally jump into a swimming pool fully clothed, doesn’t seem to mind embarrassment either. He talks with Thuy about the gift of being unafraid to pursue crazy ideas.


Tim Draper

We're all believers that entrepreneurs are heroes and heroes are people who take long odds at an extraordinary outcome. Something that may or may not work, but if it does it's gonna be great!

Stan McChrystal

How do you create a hero, someone who is transformational?

Tim Draper

It takes being a little being willing to be a little embarrassed, to be alone, to be wrong. I mean all those things if you really want to be a hero, you really want to be like a great leader, you've got to be willing to stand alone. Think of what Elon Musk did, he said we're going to Mars, and then like the world starts picking on him saying oh we'll never get to Mars, he's crazy, all that stuff but, by saying that he attracted, first he stood out there alone for a while and then he attracted the best and the brightest engineers in the world who are saying huh..how would we get to Mars? I've got an idea, I'll go help him get us to Mars and so they're all excited and then they go there and whether they get to Mars or not in their lifetime, they make huge progress.