A Push from Mom–Pay it Forward

Kristi Yamaguchi


Ever since the ancient Greeks started the tradition of crowning olympians with laurel wreaths, it’s been tempting for champions to “rest on their laurels” after attaining a measure of glory. But that’s not good enough for Kristi Yamaguchi--or her mom.


Ever since the ancient Greeks started the tradition of crowning olympians with laurel wreaths, it’s been tempting for champions to “rest on their laurels” after attaining a measure of glory. But that’s not good enough for Kristi Yamaguchi–or her mom.

Ever wished your mom would stop pushing? Maybe next time you should say thanks. We all need a little push now and then.


You have headed the non-profit Always Dream foundation for more than 20 years now. Why is it so important to you to give back in this way?

Kristi Yamaguchi

I think it was, not ingrained, but I think the value passed on from my parents, they were always very community minded and volunteered a lot whether it was at school or church or wherever and I think they just always felt so fortunate for the support that our family and I had been given to pursue this dream and always being grateful for that and then wanting to... pay it back or pay it forward as you can say. Shortly after the Olympics my mom... Another quote from my mom is well, what do you want to do to give back? And that inspired the hey I want to help out other kids out there. Maybe kids who don't have the resources or the support to pursue their own dreams. So shortly, 1996, I established the Always Dream Foundation along with co-founder Dean Osaki. It's been an incredible ride.