Leadership Can Be a Tricky Balance

Audrey Cooper


Audrey Cooper, first female editor-in-chief of the San Francisco Chronicle, on some of her not-so-great bosses, and some of the “leadership styles” she finds intolerable. “Bully” bosses, and bosses who can’t or won’t articulate what you need to do to improve top her list.


Audrey Cooper, first female editor-in-chief of the San Francisco Chronicle, on some of her not-so-great bosses, and some of the “leadership styles” she finds intolerable. “Bully” bosses, and bosses who can’t or won’t articulate what you need to do to improve top her list.

Terrible bosses. We’ve all had them. Audrey talks with Thuy about some of her favorite bad examples.


You have probably worked for some really great bosses.

Audrey Cooper



And probably for some who weren't so great.

Stan McChrystal

Well yes, maybe.


What are the top two not so effective ways to lead?

Audrey Cooper

I only get to pick two?


We only have an hour.

Audrey Cooper

The first...I don't do bullies at all. Mean is not something that I respond well to at all. So the people who belittle, who insult, who act like you're stupid. And I have to say there are a lot of those men particularly in the news business I have to say. And that's kind of rewarded, that aggressiveness seems to have been rewarded over time. And I just, I don't, I can't tolerate that at all. And I think if you asked anyone that works at the Chronicle they would say that I'm tough, but I'm very clear. And I also have that, you know, side where you have to lift people up.

The second thing I think is really ineffective is the bosses who are frustrated with you, and they can't articulate why. Or won't articulate why. That is really, I think, a problem, because if you can't be straight with somebody about what their flaws are...I really think everybody wants to succeed. And sometimes you can't see what's in your own blind spot. And so I think bosses who can't do that are really... can be destructive.


And communication is so important right? Because of you don't tell that person you're also not giving that person an opportunity to course correct, to be better.

Audrey Cooper

Absolutely, and I've been course corrected more times than I might care to admit



Audrey Cooper

And I really like that, because if you tell me I'm doing something, like, I will fix it.