Leadership Style

Creating a Culture of Kindness

Barbara Humpton


Leaders are often portrayed as people with command and control who micromanage their teams. But that isn’t the only way to lead effectively. Dive in for Barbara Humpton’s explanation of why she’s creating a culture of kindness and why that leadership style suits her best.


Leaders are often portrayed as people with command and control who micromanage their teams. But that isn’t the only way to lead effectively. Dive in for Barbara Humpton’s explanation of why she’s creating a culture of kindness and why that leadership style suits her best.

Diane Hamilton

So how do you know if the advice you’re getting is good advice or something that works for you?

Barbara Humpton

Wow. Right. This is the question. By the way, one other piece of feedback I often got was that I was too nice.

Diane Hamilton

Oh yeah.

Barbara Humpton

So somewhere mid-career, as I was being asked to take on hard roles and actually driving to success with teams large and small, you know, over and over again, “Hey, Barb, we need you here. Barb, would you do that?” And every time saying, “Yeah, I’m on it,” and getting things done.
I finally reached a point, and it was probably when my children were in their middle school and early high school years, I suddenly realized that no, this is actually a great style of leadership. It’s an acceptable style of leadership. And it happens to be my style.

Diane Hamilton


Barbara Humpton

It’s okay. It’s okay to be nice if that is you. And I remember distinctly having a conversation with a leader who was—we were having this challenging discussion about, you know, what style is right. And I was bold enough to say, I think the corporation needs more of what I have to offer.

Diane Hamilton

I love that.

Barbara Humpton

Well, it’s pretty bold for the little girl from Lexington, Virginia, who was taught to be polite to have to respectfully disagree and to point out that no, there are other ways to lead besides command and control and always being right and micromanaging your team.

Diane Hamilton

Right, right.