Accountability Growth Mindset

Showing Up for Yourself

Tracy Sun


When Tracy reflects on failures, what comes to mind are the times when she had a great idea but didn’t voice it. She believes not speaking up is a failure to herself. Hear how she’s turning this into a learning lesson by showing up for herself.


When Tracy reflects on failures, what comes to mind are the times when she had a great idea but didn’t voice it. She believes not speaking up is a failure to herself. Hear how she’s turning this into a learning lesson by showing up for herself.


You know, many times you take risks and part of taking risks means that you fail. And so, I’m wondering for you, what would you say is a big failure that you’ve had in the past that perhaps taught you a really important lesson and made you better as a leader?

Tracy Sun

I mean, I have an answer for this because this is a question that gets asked a lot, and I often will talk about a startup I’ve done in the past that completely went bankrupt because of all the mistakes that were made. And I can tell you that story, but I need more authentically what’s going on for me these days is all the times that I had a really good idea and I didn’t voice it, to me, I failed myself because maybe the person talking was so excited about their idea that I was like, “Nah, I don’t need to share my idea at this time.”
Because I have made a commitment to myself to show up for myself, which means you put the energy into voicing your ideas, and it doesn’t matter if your ideas are dumb, that’s the whole thing, like what I’m saying, it’s not about the best idea, but you share it.
And the truth is, if you are on a good team or if you’re sharing with the right person, they will amplify you whether it’s a good idea or a bad idea, it’s just good to share, it’s good to bring to them.



Tracy Sun

So that’s a little bit of my personal commitment is to be a bit—I call it showing up for myself. If I have an idea, show up for myself and voice it. Give it a voice it deserves, because you’re trying to do that for other people, so you should try to do that for yourself. And so that’s real-time when Tracy is working on from a failure perspective.