Leadership Style Leading Change

Charting Your Own Path

Tracy Sun


As a senior vice president of a company, Tracy Sun is often the only woman of color in high-ranking meetings. She often doesn’t see many people who look like her in the tech world. As she explains in this clip, she’s had to chart her own path and define her own style of leadership.


As a senior vice president of a company, Tracy Sun is often the only woman of color in high-ranking meetings. She often doesn’t see many people who look like her in the tech world. As she explains in this clip, she’s had to chart her own path and define her own style of leadership.


You are a tech leader and also a woman of color. Now that is a very, very small club in Silicon Valley. Can you describe some of the challenges that you have faced working in a male-dominated tech industry?

Tracy Sun

Yeah, a lot of challenges to be honest with you and a lot of it can be described—kind of how I describe being a kid, right? You look around and no one is like you. No one speaks the same language as you. And so you can feel very alone and feel very much like a mother.
And so some of the challenges I have faced is I have felt just different. When I am in a room and it is all men. And I don’t want to stereotype, but generally the men that I work with speak a lot louder than I do. I’m an Asian and I am pretty traditional in some cases in that I am a very quiet speaker. I love to solicit opinions of others which means I often put my own opinions last. I have a leadership style that is more collaborative and it is really good at building teams. But not really great at being the loudest person, a person can get in my opinion across. So, I had to learn how to adapt in certain situations.
But I would say that the hardest part is finding my true worth. When I look around me and I look above me at people I admire, most of them don’t look like me. And most of them have leadership styles that are not for me. And so in my early career, I would emulate people. And now I’m at place where I try to emphasize that that leadership approach does not work for me. So, how do I chart my own path in this industry? And, unfortunately, the challenge is I have to chart my own path which makes it a bit harder. But when I follow it, it feels more authentic. So, I want this way, I didn’t have a predetermined path.