Innovation Leadership Style

Flexing Creative Muscles

Antonio Neri


A creative mindset can be a differentiator in business, especially when it comes to problem solving. For that reason, Antonio enjoys flexing his creative muscles in other outlets, like sketching and painting. How does creating art make him a better leader? Listen in to find out.


A creative mindset can be a differentiator in business, especially when it comes to problem solving. For that reason, Antonio enjoys flexing his creative muscles in other outlets, like sketching and painting. How does creating art make him a better leader? Listen in to find out.


You’re an artist, you sketch and paint. And sometimes you even teach classes in both. What do you like to sketch or paint? And what ways does that creativity help you as a leader?

Antonio Neri

You know, this is something I developed early on in my life when I was in Argentina. A friend of mine was an amazing designer in many ways, and always admired him for the talent that he had. For me, whether it’s painting or drawing, it’s to create space, and most importantly time to think. At the same time, it gives you a sense for attention to the details when you’re painting, right?
So normally paint landscapes and figures, whatever it is. It is the details, the attention to the details. And there is not, in my view as a CEO, I love details, because details basically is a way to measure excellence without getting lost. And that’s why for example, we are completing the new headquarters here in Houston, and I’m designing the interior of the building.


You are?

Antonio Neri

Yes, I am. So, with obviously, a group of people around me, the selection of the experience that you’re going to provide, because at the end, it’s all coming together in that integration of architecture, technology and experience and you want that side to be a reflection of the culture and the brand that you want to instill. And so when the employees come to work, you want them to be proud of it, and enjoy what they do. For me, it’s a way to get out of, for a moment, of what I do every day and have some fun, too.