Values & Purpose

Business Model Shaped by Upbringing

Manish Chandra


Inspiration is everywhere, even when you're 9 years-old. As a young boy, Manish Chandra, spent time in his grandfather’s store which was located in a bustling marketplace in India. In this clip, he explains how these cherished memories inspired him to create Poshmark, one of the largest online marketplaces for fashion.


Inspiration is everywhere, even when you’re 9 years-old. As a young boy, Manish Chandra, spent time in his grandfather’s store which was located in a bustling marketplace in India. In this clip, he explains how these cherished memories inspired him to create Poshmark, one of the largest online marketplaces for fashion.


Let’s start the talk with your background in India. You grew up there, what was that like, in particular your life there? What were some of the experiences that helped shape or form what you’re doing now at Poshmark?

Manish Chandra

Yeah, I grew up in India, in the northern part of India, typically growing in smaller towns. But my summers were spent in Delhi at my grandfather’s shop, which was a wholesale pharmacy shop in the middle of a marketplace called Chandni Chowk, which was very hustling and bustling marketplace. And those times I was 9 and 10, and we were allowed to just walk around freely. There was no chaperone. And I saw transactions happening. I saw people negotiate. And so that marketplace was the place where I learned that shopping was social, people connected, and there were deep relationships that happen. And that carried over to how I thought about Poshmark, and how we designed Poshmark as a marketplace.