Greater Purpose Networking Risk & Resilience

Building Risk Tolerance

Andrew Chau


Taking risks may not be comfortable for most people. Andrew says building a supportive community around you helps "fan your flame" and build your tolerance for risk. Listen in to learn what else is in his playbook for getting out of his comfort zone.


Taking risks may not be comfortable for most people. Andrew says building a supportive community around you helps “fan your flame” and build your tolerance for risk. Listen in to learn what else is in his playbook for getting out of his comfort zone.


You sound like you were very comfortable in taking your risk. What about people who are not comfortable with risk? How would you suggest they build their risk tolerance?

Andrew Chau

Well, that being said, I still have really major anxiety, so I don’t know if I’m comfortable, it just looks like I'm okay.


You look fine now.

Andrew Chau

I’m drinking a lot of like, you know…



Andrew Chau

Yeah, boba, chamomile tea, things that keep me calm. You know, what I want to say to people who are trying to build that confidence, is like, you know, especially nowadays, is to start building the right people around you. So, there's a couple of ways to do it.

Number one, put the right people around you, because those people will continue to kind of, you know, what I call, fan your flame. And I think that helps a ton, and I had a lot of those people in my life, a lot of mentors, a lot of people who didn't think I was so crazy to believe in these ideas. Including my wife, my sister, my family. My mom, really over time really supported me, including right now, my mom's probably—my parents together, my mom's just more vocal, is probably my number one supporter.


Oh, that’s going nice.

Andrew Chau

Yeah, it’s cute, it’s cute. So, finding that network in that community. I think number two is, working on yourself. I think this is where there’s a lot of-- it sounds self-helpy, but a lot of self-awareness work, a lot of self-discovery. I do a lot of self-work, self-care work. So, that's why I read a lot of Brene Brown, rumbling with your vulnerability, and learning about the difference between guilt and shame. Learning about… there's a great book that she has called The Courage - how do you really be your authentic self?

So, those sound cheesy, I know when I say that out loud, I know some people are like, “Oh my God, he’s one of those people who read those books.” But I’m like, it’s not the book itself, it's the exercise of getting you to think about why you are the way you are.