Growth Mindset Leading Change

30 Minutes A Day

Deb Liu


Change is rapid and frequent, and even more so in tech. How does Deb Liu, CEO of Ancestry, manage the pace of change and harness it to her advantage?


Change is rapid and frequent, and even more so in tech. How does Deb Liu, CEO of Ancestry, manage the pace of change and harness it to her advantage?


Change is happening all around us. And even more so in tech where the changes are so rapid and so frequent, what do you do to stay on top of market trends so that you can not only maintain your company's position, but also drive growth as well?

Deb Liu

I think the most important thing is to be well read, to stay on top of things, to really understand what's happening. Things are moving so fast in the world. So being able to actually say, okay, what are the five things that I learned this week? One of the reasons I actually write by the way, and I write a kind of newsletter, is that it forces me to read, it forces me to get better, it forces me to research because it's a discipline that has reminded me that there's so much interesting things happening in the world. And every time I write a piece, I do a bunch of research and, you're spending time learning about what's going on. And so one of the things that I encourage you to do is, are you spending half an hour, a day trying to improve from where you are to where you want to go? And if you're not, how do you bring that more into your life? And really finding a way to incorporate that, I think we say, oh, we're tired. But I actually do a lot of reading when I'm working out. So it's a great way for me to actually kind of get on top of things, to spend some time really understanding what's happening in the world.