
Know Your Allies

Deb Liu


Alliances and partnerships span from personal network to enterprise-level connections. Deb believes in starting small and focusing on key people, her "allies."


Alliances and partnerships span from personal network to enterprise-level connections. Deb believes in starting small and focusing on key people, her “allies.”


What role do alliances and partnerships play in your success as a leader, and how do you use them to drive business growth?

Deb Liu

Well, the first thing I will say, I'll talk about personal and then we'll talk about business. Personally, I think allies are so incredibly important. And they play such a role in your success. And I think sometimes we underestimate when someone succeeds, you're like, yes, I did it on my own. And that's absolutely not true, no one succeeds on their own. So one of the things is really having allies who are there, sponsors who open doors for you. Those are incredible. Those are the people who actually accelerate your career. But beyond that, leveraging the same thing. How do you actually leverage alliances and partnerships so that you can grow your business too? How do you actually build this type of partnership so that you're actually unlocking new opportunities?

And so that is something which has been an important part of Ancestry's history is actually having partnerships with archive and governments and communities, as well as with other companies to actually continue to grow its business. One of the most important things about the company is these partnerships, because there's so many archives out there that need to be scanned, digitized, and we can help governments do that and also make it available for people.