Decision Making Shared Playbook

Testing The Model

David Chun


Companies buy data from Equilar, and Equilar gets that data from public reports. The key here is the product delivery experience - making it easy for the client to get results. This look at the technical side of things is a mix up from the usual business advice.


Companies buy data from Equilar, and Equilar gets that data from public reports. The key here is the product delivery experience – making it easy for the client to get results. This look at the technical side of things is a mix up from the usual business advice.


As you were building Equilar, how important was research and testing in that creative process?

David Chun

Oh, absolutely incredibly important. Companies are ultimately buying data from us. Right? But they're getting the data through our software platform. And so that whole experience needs to be rock solid. Right? The data that they're pulling it's, they're going to present this to their CEO or their board. The last thing they want to do is have somebody question the numbers. So that needs to be rock solid. The product delivery experience, right? We don't want to make it the user interface, you know? Okay. Is it easy to get the data that I want? How long does it take? Is it the output? So that whole entire experience we have engineers, product managers, acute quality engineers on both sides on the research and also on the product and engineering side.