Accountability Leadership Style Values & Purpose

Be Transparent

Kevin Washington


Kevin Washington's leadership style is clear-cut and easy to follow. In this clip, he hones in on one of the most important values on his teams: transparency.


Kevin Washington’s leadership style is clear-cut and easy to follow. In this clip, he hones in on one of the most important values on his teams: transparency.


What are the traits or practices of the most trusted people in your organization, and what about in your personal life as well?

Kevin Washington

Transparency. You know, even if it's not right, you got to be clear and transparent, not trying to hide anything, here it is, and be judged upon that, but being fully transparent to what you're trying to do and what you're trying to accomplish. Being honest when you fail. One of the things I know is that when a leader says, "Listen, I messed up, I didn't do that right," that garners you more respect in the organization than anything. If you can say that to folks, they look at it and say, "Wow, that's impressive. He said, 'I didn't do it right.'" And that gives people an understanding that failure is okay, as long as you own it, you own your actions.


I think when you own something, not only do you step up and say "I messed up," but if you truly own it, you also try to find a resolution and you take action to correct it.

Kevin Washington

Absolutely. And that's why but I do think for some folks, they want to make excuses, but you just say, "Hey, I didn't do it right, but we're going to do it better next time and here's why we have to approach it." Absolutely.