Growth Mindset

An Unexpected Answer

Bonnie Anderson


What hasn't Bonnie done? After a long, successful, and wide-ranging career, she still has goals and growth targets!


What hasn’t Bonnie done? After a long, successful, and wide-ranging career, she still has goals and growth targets!


Is there anything at all that you want to do career-wise or professionally or maybe even personally that you haven't done that you'll still want to do?

Bonnie Anderson

You know, it's funny, as I've been working with a leadership team on some major transformations we've made in the company, often people in their roles get nervous that some change with the company is going to mean they either lose some aspects of their job or their job changes in a way that they don't want. We're in a world where I'm sure Veracyte's going to look very different two years from now and the way we look today, we look completely different from the way we looked two years ago, and that is the journey that we're on. And so at a staff meeting, about a year or two ago, after we had decided with our board we wanted to build a global enterprise someday, we wanted our test to be available to patients all over the world, I asked the team, I challenged them to dream about what they would like to be doing two years from now. I said that I would start, and I said what I imagined myself doing is flying around the world, meeting with doctors and patients all over the world, looking at the great impact that our tests had had. And they just sat back and laughed about that, because they didn't envision that would be my answer, right? It's like all the functions that I'm going to be leading. I'm like, no, no, I'm going to be in a very different mode a couple years from now. I haven't made it there quite yet, but I can say I'm on that journey, and I can't wait to go visit those patients and doctors around the world and talk about the decisions we made five years ago and how that's impacting their lives. That's what I want to do before I retire, to get the full feeling of benefit of everything that we've been able to achieve here at Veracyte.