Growth Mindset Innovation

Data Firehose

Bonnie Anderson


How do you stay current when there is just SO much news and information, delivered in more formats than you can count? The world moves fast, and time is valuable, so soaking it all in is impossible, but Bonnie has a curated strategy to absorb the right info at the right time.


How do you stay current when there is just SO much news and information, delivered in more formats than you can count? The world moves fast, and time is valuable, so soaking it all in is impossible, but Bonnie has a curated strategy to absorb the right info at the right time.


What sources or processes do you use to stay current on market trends?

Bonnie Anderson

Oh, there's almost not enough time to stay up. And I have to say, in the world today, where between Twitter and other sources of feeds, because I do like the rapid release of information and data, and then the ability to pick and choose, which you want to go dig into, I probably don't have time to even do half the reading than I need to. But fortunately, I sit on the board of bio, it's a fantastic organization. I get exposure on that board to a lot of the global health care legislation changes, payer changes, things going on, that really will impact the medicine world that we're going to live in. So that's very valuable. I also am a leader in our industries, small group but very powerful group, it's called the Coalition for 21st Century Medicine. Through that forum, I have relationships with a network of all CEOs and other executives from the companies within our space. There's a lot of sharing of ideas, what's new. We see a lot of what's emerging in science, what is being paid for, what isn't being paid for. We help to lobby to change the landscape to be more attractive and more friendly to innovation, like our companies are bringing to market. It kind of feels like you're right in the heart of where all the action is, be part of those kinds of organizations. So it's not always so much about reading as it is the people that you're able to interact with and learn from and the experiences that you can share in organizations like that.