National Security

Keith Krach


How is the government different than the private sector? Lower pay, longer hours, and a serious focus on the mission of national security. In this conversation with Thuy, Keith shares some more insights about working for the country.


How is the government different than the private sector? Lower pay, longer hours, and a serious focus on the mission of national security. In this conversation with Thuy, Keith shares some more insights about working for the country.


How would you say being in public service has transformed you as a leader?

Keith Krach

It's made me appreciate the federal government and the people who work in the federal government. These folks are mission driven. They don't make as much as everybody does in the private sector. They work their tail off. And they are the glue of our government. The other thing that I saw was that what it's all about for the federal government, that North Star, is national security. What I could see before my very eyes is that democracy is actually just an experiment, this 200 year experiment in United States. It goes against all the laws of nature, because the natural order of things is the bad king, the dictator, the emperor, and you have to literally fight every day to protect that. If it wasn't for the United States, I mean, 50 to 100 countries wouldn't have that freedom. That's what I really, really learned. So being able to live this all American dream, growing up in Ohio, that's not possible unless you have career people looking at that every single day. So nothing but the highest respect.