Better Than You Found It

Keith Krach


Keith was the youngest ever VP at GM, and has followed his purpose all the way to the White House, serving as the Undersecretary of State for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment. In this conversation, he shares the deeper meaning behind his path.


Keith was the youngest ever VP at GM, and has followed his purpose all the way to the White House, serving as the Undersecretary of State for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment. In this conversation, he shares the deeper meaning behind his path.


When I prepped for this interview, I mean, I already knew this about you, right. But when I prepped for this interview and I really dug deep, you have done so much. I mean, at just 26 years old, you were a VP at GM, youngest ever, you went on to transform a bunch of industries from robotics to digital transaction management. You're now a diplomat, former US Undersecretary of State. What would you say is your life's purpose, and how critical is this to your success as a leader?

Keith Krach

You know, I think it's leaving the world better than I found it, I guess, would be the life's purpose. You know, the most important thing to me is my family and leaving a great legacy with my five children, of course. It's also about the people that I've met along the way. I think at the end of the day, if you would ask me to judge my success, it wouldn't be by the companies that I built but by the people that I mentored. My dad always used to say you never know if you're a good father until you see your childrenÕs children. I also think you never know if you're a good mentor until you see your mentees' mentees, because did you teach them how to be a good mentor? So I think that's such a big part of it, the people side of the equation is just a huge part of it. And also, it's the biggest lever you could have in terms of making an impact in this world.