Cool it, Buddy!

Kim Breier


Kim's top advice for young folks getting their first job? Don't come in guns blazing before you understand the environment.


Kim’s top advice for young folks getting their first job? Don’t come in guns blazing before you understand the environment.


What is your top advice for young people who are getting that first job and they want to make that really great impression in the first three to six months? What's the best way to go about making as much of an impact as possible?

Kim Breier

I think first is to take a period of time, whatever you think is the right period and absorb, listen, learn, get the vibe of the place that you're at, the culture, absorb the the sense of it. A couple of times I've seen things go wrong where when people came in sort of guns blazing without understanding the culture that they were coming into. So take a little bit of time, be patient with yourself, give yourself some time to understand the environment that you're in and recognize that it's a new environment and you need to sort of learn how to operate there. And then once you do, off to the races.