Founders’ Fun

Theresia Gouw


Theresia has been both an investor and an entrepreneur. So how do those lenses differ, and more importantly, how are they the same?


Theresia has been both an investor and an entrepreneur. So how do those lenses differ, and more importantly, how are they the same?


Let me talk about Theresia the entrepreneur. How has starting a company been different from what you did before? Your experience with Aspect and now with Acrew. How is that different from Accel, where you were running a company, but it was started by someone else?

Theresia Gouw

So I think any founder would tell you this. There's just a different... so the contents of my day job, meeting with great entrepreneurs, trying to find good opportunities to invest in them, trying to win them over, and then investing in them and working on their boards for 5, 10, however many years, that part of it's the same. But the part that's different about being a founder, I think is a few fold. And this isn't just for me, it's for my other partners at Acrew as well. I just think the level of ownership and excitement that you have about going to work every day, I mean, I've always loved my job, I mean, I feel like I'm so lucky, right? Like I get to meet really smart entrepreneurs every day, like, that's my job. How awesome is that? But it's just a different level of just like building something. And for me, the big thing about it is like building something, starting something and building something that hopefully will last for many generations to come. In life, the real legacy I think is is your family and your children. But in work, Acrew is my legacy, I hope.