Love Your Job

Fred Ryan


The number one thing Fred recommends to young professionals? Passion. His advice is to pick a job you love and want to get better at, and to pursue it fully. And don't forget to stay in touch with people over the years!


The number one thing Fred recommends to young professionals? Passion. His advice is to pick a job you love and want to get better at, and to pursue it fully. And don’t forget to stay in touch with people over the years!


For young people who are about to graduate or just recently graduated, what is your best advice for finding that first job that will help them reach their goals?

Fred Ryan

Well, I would say think about what their goals are first. And today, people move very quickly from job to job. The idea of staying some place 10, 15 years is not that frequent today. So I would say, though, that they should take a job that they're passionate about, do not take a job that you don't like, that you don't think it's something you want to get better at, that you want to grow in, unless you're desperate to pay the rent. If you're desperate to pay the rent, do that, but while you're doing it be looking for that job that you're passionate about.

We all talk to people who say they hate their jobs. I see people and every once in a while, I'll see them like on a Wednesday and they'll say, "Only two more days till the weekend." And I'll say, well, "Why are you so excited about that? Don't you like what you're doing between Monday through Friday?" And so my advice would be to think about a job that you're excited about, that you're passionate about and jump into it. It may not be the right one. Then you can move on to something else, but find something that's going to excite you. It's going to make you want to get up in the morning. Make you want to go to work. Be excited about going to work as opposed to having it be some type of burden.


What do you do for fun when you're not working? Because your job is pretty intense. But do you have time for fun?

Fred Ryan

Oh, yeah, I have three daughters who keep me busy with fun of all levels and I enjoy spending time with them very much. Traveling, a great circle of friends I stay in touch with. That's my other advice to people looking for their first job, is stay in touch with the people that you meet on your first job. Stay in touch with people you met in college. Some of my closest friends today are people I met in college. But the people who you meet on that first job and the second job, you're going to come back, you're going to see them again. Your paths are gonna cross again. So stay in touch with them.