Inspiration from my Ancestors

Vijay Advani


Vijay Advani follows a tradition of immigration in his family. When India was partitioned in 1947, his parents moved there with little more than the clothes on their backs. In this video, he shares important lessons from his family.


Vijay Advani follows a tradition of immigration in his family. When India was partitioned in 1947, his parents moved there with little more than the clothes on their backs. In this video, he shares important lessons from his family.


So for you, who or what do you turn to when you need inspiration?

Vijay Advani

I my ancestors in a way, because after India got partitioned in 1947, my family moved from what is now Pakistan to India, and they came with their shirts on their back. Having that, to be a immigrant even in 1947, my parents without a safety net and just your own drive, your own tenacity and just kind of thinking through that, what must have gone through their mind. And I kind of repeated that in a different way in 1982 when I immigrated here.

So to all kind of listening and all the young students and the future generation, I think is very important to have a little bit of that insecurity, no matter how smart you are, what education you have or what your parents have given you. Having that little bit of insecurity, having curiosity, and having that drive is critical and always wanting to reinvent yourself and having those bite-size three to four year time horizons to take stock of where you've come and where you want to go because otherwise you go through life aimlessly. You will always have a job, but you may not have a career.


I agree with you because the day that you stop being insecure is the day you start becoming complacent.

Vijay Advani

Right. That's absolutely true.