Jeffrey Mounts
Advisory Council Member
Vice President, SOSi
Mr. Mounts has over 30 years of federal government financial management and human capital compensation experience, including executive leadership and expertise in personnel and pay policies, worldwide payment execution and banking services, pension and benefit administration, enterprise systems development and program management, and global shared services implementation and operation, retiring in 2022 after 30 years of service.
Mr. Mounts is currently a Vice President of Technology & Engineering and Senior Account Executive for the Federal Civilian Sector at SOS International (SOSi), a leader in delivering transformational and trusted technology and mission solutions. SOSi supports clients in the aerospace, defense, foreign affairs and government services industry.
At the U.S. Department of State, Mr. Mounts served as the Assistant Secretary of Finance, the Comptroller and the Acting Chief Financial Officer. In these roles, he led the Department’s global financial management activities, systems, and services. Mr. Mounts also chaired the Department’s Management Control Steering Committee serving as the Department’s Management Control Officer. He represented the State Department on the U.S. government’s Chief Financial Officers Council and served in an advisory capacity on multiple U.S. interagency committees.
Notable projects overseen by Mr. Mounts while serving at the State Department include the implementation of a PeopleSoft Global platform to process payroll for over 60,000 locally-employed staff, a new platform to process defined benefit payments for the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability Fund, the first U.S. Government implementation of a Commercial Off-The-Shelf payroll solution for U.S. Government employees, and the development and implementation of a complex, multi-currency, global accounting and disbursing Enterprise Resource System, which made over $15 Billion in Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) and check payments per year.
Mr. Mounts’ earlier State Department assignments include Deputy Comptroller, Managing Director for Global Compensation, Director of Systems Development and Maintenance in Charleston, South Carolina, Director of Core Systems Development in Washington, DC, and Director of Systems Development and Maintenance in Bangkok, Thailand.
More recently, Mr. Mounts also ran a global line of business at Citibank, serving as the Global Head of Foreign Mission Banking.
Mr. Mounts holds a Juris Doctorate from the University of Maryland School of Law, a Master of Public Management from the University of Maryland, and a Bachelor of Science from South Dakota State University.