In 2024, members of the Global Tech Security Commission outlined The Trusted Technology Doctrine. Drawing on collective wisdom earned from many decades of real-world experience, bipartisan lawmakers, former cabinet officials, Silicon Valley innovators and entrepreneurs, diplomats, academics, and civil society leaders enshrined the principle of trust as the foundation of all tech diplomacy, and urged citizens around the world to adopt the following declaration:


The Trust Doctrine embodies the belief in the primacy of trust as the foundation of peaceful relationships. Trust is firmly grounded in integrity, accountability, transparency, reciprocity and a profound respect for the fundamental pillars of free societies, such as the rule of law, human rights, property rights, fair labor practices, responsible environmental stewardship, freedom of expression, and national sovereignty.

Amid the wave of historic technological change shaping the trajectory of humanity in the 21st century, an underlying aspect of human relationships remains: People do business with people they trust. They partner with people they trust. They buy from people they trust. They help people they trust. Trust is how deals are made, friendships are forged, alliances are founded, and peace is preserved.

Technology’s central role in modern relationships necessitates its trustworthiness. Therefore, leaders from government, technology, business, academia and civil society commit to, and encourage our fellow citizens to embrace, the following values of the Trusted Technology Doctrine as the basis for the innovation, deployment, and adoption of critical and emerging technologies, so they may serve their ultimate and highest purpose: the advancement of human freedom.

The Trusted Technology Doctrine

Technology must advance freedom to be trusted.

The primary use of technology must be the advancement of human freedom. It must be developed in the service of the common good with low expectation of harm.

Technology must protect human rights to be trusted.

The development and use of technology must be respectful of the inherent dignity and equality of all individuals and ensure non-discrimination, fair labor practices and freedom of expression and religion.

Technology must respect privacy to be trusted.

Robust measures must be in place to safeguard personal, corporate and government data and national security, providing timely notice and consent.

Technology must be subject to the rule of law to be trusted.

The innovation, deployment, and use of technology must be bound by the legal protection of individual freedom and human dignity, providing people legal recourse if they are harmed.

Technology must safeguard intellectual property to be trusted.

Producing new ideas is essential to improving the human condition. Creators and innovators should be able to reap the benefits of their work and have confidence that their intellectual property will not be stolen.

Technology must be subject to human direction and control to be trusted.

Without human oversight, technology could be unpredictable, harmful, or misaligned with ethics and the law.

Technology must be transparent to be trusted.

Transparency helps users understand how their data is used, how decisions are made by algorithms, and the potential impacts of technology on their lives. It also enables stakeholders to identify biases, errors, or harmful practices. Meaningful information, including governance policies, should be publicly available and easily accessible.

Technology must be rooted in scientific values to be trusted.

Innovators must utilize recognized scientific processes, including freedom of inquiry, openness, honesty, objectivity, replicability, and dependable methods for observing, acquiring, storing, managing, and sharing data.

Technology must respect the environment to be trusted.

Responsible environmental stewardship, recognizing the importance of sustainable practices and the preservation of natural resources is critical in technological development. By prioritizing environmental protection, technology can help promote a healthier ecosystem and enhance people’s quality of life.

Technology must respect national sovereignty to be trusted.

Advancing freedom requires technological accommodation of both sovereign borders and individual liberties, empowering citizens, companies, and governments to maintain ownership of their sensitive information and control over their national destiny.

Strong leadership across every sector of society is vital in delivering a peaceful and prosperous future for all people. By adhering to the values of the Trusted Tech Doctrine, we strive to create an environment conducive to responsible and ethical technological progress, while enhancing the well-being of society. We believe there is strength in numbers and power in unity and solidarity to face our greatest challenges and ensure that technology advances freedom.