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Washington insiders launch Quad fund to take on China

Financial Review

Military Aggression Quad fund The Clean network Washington

Washington | A group of Washington insiders will launch a fund to invest mainly in companies from the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad) countries in a bid to counter China’s dominance in critical minerals, pharmaceuticals, military technologies and supply chains.

The fund, with the backing of the White House, will raise more than $US1 billion ($1.6 billion) in its initial stage and is being advised by some of America’s top investors and diplomats, including private fund manager Kyle Bass and former DocuSign chief executive Keith Krach, a former under-secretary of state for economic growth.

The private investment fund is another move by the US to build self-reliance in vital industries and sectors, but will also supercharge co-operation with other Quad members, Australia, India and Japan in response to economic and military aggression from China.

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Military Aggression Quad fund The Clean network Washington
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